How to access the DataMiner Cloud Platform?

To access the DataMiner Cloud Platform (DCP) you need to authenticate yourself with your corporate email address.

This is imperative in order to link your DCP account with your organization and to make sure you can access features that are exclusively available for authorized members of your organization (e.g. to view information related to your projects in the new Project Collaboration module, to share live dashboards from your private DataMiner System, etc.).

NOTE: Not all people registering with a corporate email address associated with your organization automatically get access to all information exclusively available for your organization. This is only the case for the users that already had an earlier account on our legacy platform, who were therefore already linked to your organization.

About DataMiner Cloud Platform
DataMiner Collaboration Platform
DataMiner Driver Catalog
DataMiner Community
DataMiner Live Sharing
DataMiner Collaboration Platform DataMiner Driver Catalog DataMiner Community DataMiner Live Sharing

I have a corporate email address linked to a social account

If your corporate email address is linked to a Microsoft, Google, Amazon or LinkedIn account, then you can simply proceed by selecting one of those login methods to authenticate yourself via those third-party identity providers, and access DCP instantly.

This option is the preferred choice, if available, as you can then reuse your existing account rather than having to make a new dedicated one.

login with a social account

I don't have a corporate email address linked to a social account

You can also opt to create a dedicated DCP account via the ”Sign Up” option at the bottom of the authentication window. You will then be invited to create a DCP account with your corporate email address and a password of your choice. This will then give you access to DCP.

sign up

Invite your coworkers

You are welcome to invite other people in your organization to join you on the DataMiner Cloud Platform. However, keep the following things in mind:

  • New people from your organization will also have to create a user account on the new DataMiner Cloud Platform based on their corporate email address (as described above).
  • This new DCP account will have to be linked to your organization. The latter can currently only be done by Skyline staff on request, so please have the new DCP users send an email to with a confirmation that they joined DCP and would like to be linked to their organization.
  • In a later version of the DataMiner Cloud Platform, we intend to provide you with an option to appoint an admin in your organization, who will be able to join new DCP accounts to your organization in the DataMiner Cloud Platform.

Having trouble signing in with your Microsoft account?

When you want to log in using your existing corporate Microsoft account, you could be facing a screen like this.

If you see this screen, you should contact your IT department, so they can approve the access to the resources that are needed. Be aware they only have to give consent once. After doing so, you should no longer see this screen.

There are two options for your IT department to give consent. They can just go to and go through the normal process of registering an account. A second option is to use the following link to directly give consent to our application:{tenant-id}/adminconsent?client_id=2e25a456-a261-44cf-beb8-06da7f5199f5
  • {tenant-id} is your organization's tenant ID or any verified domain name.

In both cases, it is important that they check the box next to 'Consent on behalf of your organization'. Checking this also automatically allows access for regular users in your organization.

Setting login Microsoft account

Additional information

When following the link above, your IT department should see this page. If they do not see this page, they should use an account that has the ‘Global Administrator’ role in Azure.

The only things we require access to are the following:

  • openid -
    Allows users to sign in to the app with their work or school accounts and allows the app to see basic user profile information.
  • offline_access -
    Allows the app to see and update the data you gave it access to, even when users are not currently using the app. This does not give the app any additional persmissions.

More information on this topic can be found here and here.